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First Aid Kits & Supplies
Emergency Provisions
Emergency Response Team
Robert Payne AEDs

Philly Extrication Collar

Price $14.69


Neck injuries are serious business. Any movement could result in permanent disability.

The Philly Extrication Collar was developed for emergency medical use. Molded from high-density polyethylene with foam padding, the Philly Extrication Collar restricts flexion, extension and rotation to immobilize the cervical spine. It adjusts to different heights and locks in place for an effective fit on most adult injury victims. The collar is quick and easy to put on, whether the patient is lying down or seated. The Philly Extrication Collar stores flat to save space.

Don't take chances with neck injuries. Order a Philly Extrication Collar for your emergency response cabinet today.

See our line of Business Emergency Kits or contact one of our Emergency Planning Consultants about a custom emergency solution for your office. Call 1-800-585-8506 or click above for LiveChat.

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