Zoll AED 3 Semi-Automatic Defibrillator


SKU: 26320


The ZOLL AED 3 defibrillator will guide you through the process of performing high-quality CPR and will, if needed, deliver a potentially lifesaving shock to the heart. With a ZOLL AED 3 and quick action, tragedy could be averted. ZOLL’s proprietary Real CPR Help technology helps guide rescuers in performing high-quality CPR, in accordance with the most recent guidelines for depth and rate of compression. The innovative, intuitive design and enhanced features of the ZOLL AED 3 will give unexpected heroes both the confidence and the knowledge needed to treat sudden cardiac arrest.

What’s the difference?
Semi-automatic AEDs will ask the rescuer to press a button to deliver a shock to the victim, thus leaving it up to them to actually deliver the treatment. Fully automatic AEDs, on the other hand, automate this entire process and will deliver the shock automatically.

Additional information

Weight 5 lbs