Ready to Roll Search & Rescue / Survival Kit


SKU: 21255


Will your day include sunshine? Or will it bring an earthquake, a flood, or a dangerous chemical leak?

When disaster strikes, you should be prepared to survive without electricity, water, and assistance for 72 hours. Whether you need to evacuate, shelter in place, perform light search and rescue, or provide first aid, the Ready to Roll survival kit has you covered. The rugged nylon carry case contains a full search and rescue kit, extensive first aid and triage supplies, survival supplies including food, water, and personal hygiene items.

Disaster strikes without notice. Prepare to meet it with the Ready to Roll Search and Rescue/Survival kit. Order today, or contact one of our representatives for more information.


Search & Rescue
* 1 Folding shovel
* 2 Flashlights
* 2 20-Year Code Red batteries (pair)
* 2 50′ ropes
* 10 Dust masks
* 1 Utility knife
* 1 Vice grips
* 1 14-in-1 pocket tool
* 1 10″ adjustable wrench
* 1 Gas shut off tool
* 1 24″ pry bar
* 1 50′ duct tape
* 1 300′ Caution tape
* 2 Safety goggles
* 2 Hard hats
* 2 Safety vests
* 2 Leather palm gloves

Medical Supplies
* 4 Bloodstoppers
* 2 4″ x 4″ Burn Free
* 6 small Burn Free
* 3 Sun X SPF30 sunscreen
* 3 Small ice packs
* 3 Triangular bandages
* 6 Surgi Pads 4″ x 7″
* 3 2” x 10ft tape
1 Pair paramedic scissors
* 12 Non-adherent pads
* 1 Hydrogen Peroxide
* 1 Eye wash
* 10 Ammonia inhalants
* 25 Large patch bandages
* 1 CPR mouth piece
* 100 Latex gloves
2 Medium splints

Survival Supplies
* 2 Yellow paramedic blankets
* 6 Solar blankets
* 1 8 x 10 Blue tarp
* 1 Solar radio w/ flashlight
* 6 Adult ponchos
* 6 12-hour light sticks
* 5 Emergency candles
* 50 Waterproof matches
* 6 3600-calorie food ration
* 9 3-Pack (24 oz.) Aqua Blox H20

Personal Hygiene
* 1 Maxi pad
* 1 Kant Wait toilet
* 2 Toothbrushes w/ toothpaste
* 33 Wet Naps (3 piece)
* 2 Kleenex
* 1 Toilet paper

Due to the size and weight of this item, shipping costs may vary depending on the quantity ordered.
Call us at 800-585-8506 for a quote.

Additional information

Weight 60 lbs