Mobile Incident Command Kit, 4 Person


SKU: 21312


To direct a safe, effective evacuation or disaster response, you’ve got to stay in contact with your dispersed team. Recent disasters showed that you can’t rely on telephones.

But you can establish solid, on-the-move communications with our Mobile Incident Command Kit. This highly mobile, wheeled kit provides immediate two-way radio communication (using Motorola business class radios), broadcast/wide area communication, and visual communication equipment for four (4) Incident Command Responders. Additional AM/FM radios keep you updated on events outside your emergency response area.

Make sure your next planned — or emergency — evacuation is safe and thorough. Order your Mobile Incident Command Kit now, or contact one of our emergency response consultants to see how we can customize this kit for your specific needs.

* 1 30” Wheeled Duffel Bag – Black w/ Imprint “Mobile Emergency Kit”
* 4 Motorola CLS 1110 Business class radios*
* 2 Industrial 12 watt megaphones
* 4 Incident Command safety vests
* 4 Hard hats – White
* 4 Fanny packs – Empty
* 4 D-Cell flashlights
* 4 Retractable pens
* 4 Permanent markers
* 4 Clipboards w/ evacuation procedures
* 4 Note pads 1/2″ X 11″
* 2 Crossing Guard stop signs
* 2 Rolls of Caution tape
* 2 AM/FM radios
* 8 D-Cell batteries (Flashlights)
* 16 C-Cell batteries (Megaphone)
* 4 AAA-Cell batteries (AM/FM Radio)
* 12 AAA-Cell batteries (back up for Motorola Radios)
* 4 Battery adapters (Motorola Radios)
* 4 Motorola radios = $680 in cost of this kit.

Due to the size and weight of this item, shipping costs may vary depending on the quantity ordered.
Call us at 800-585-8506 for a quote.

Additional information

Weight 100 lbs