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First Aid Kits & Supplies
Emergency Provisions
Emergency Response Team
Robert Payne AEDs

CPR Micromask With Gloves and Case

Price $16.92


Cardiac arrest and heart failure can happen anywhere, anytime. It affects children as well as adults. CPR rescuers need protection from mouth-to-mouth contact and bodily fluids while performing rescue breathing.

Our CPR Micromask is compactly packaged in a durable, zippered pouch. The kit includes a cushioned, plastic barrier mask with a one-way oxygen valve and head-strap, Nitrile gloves, and instructions for use. This superior faceshield is safe use on children and adults.

Seconds count in CPR. Don't waste them. Order your CPR Micromask with Gloves and Case now, so you'll always be prepared to save a life.